A common question I get asked is how do I receive information and messages in my Akashic Records and Angel healing sessions? It can seem like a mystery to someone who hasn’t tapped into their own intuitive gifts or isn’t familiar with intuitive readings or psychics. So to help demystify the experience I’ll share with you how I get messages and where these messages come from.
Angels and spirit guides, as well as the soul of the person being read (client) or a crossed over loved one, send me messages that I need to interpret before I can deliver it to the client. I get the information through my intuitive senses, referred to as “clairs”: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. The messages sound like my thoughts, look like my imagination, feel like my own body sensations, or feel like information I already know. So how do I tell the difference between me and the information coming in? Let’s first take a closer look at the 4 main “clairs” and how I experience them.
The clair that most people have heard of is clairvoyance, which means “clear seeing.” It often comes through as images in my mind similar to daydreaming or similar to an experience of following a guided imagery of someone helping to paint a picture in your mind. This is my most powerful clair.
How I experience this during readings is usually by seeing images in my mind that can often be symbolic but can at times be more literal. For example, a common image that the Angels and spirit guides bring to my mind in my readings is that of a lighthouse. This is my symbol for shining your light bright, being your authentic self, and letting yourself be seen. So when I get this image in a reading it usually means that the person needs to put their more authentic self out there so that others who are like them, accept them, and resonate with them can find them - basically, people who are meant for us can’t find us if our light is off or very dim. So shine bright!
The second most powerful clair for me is clairaudience, which means “clear hearing.” I get a lot of messages this way as well during readings, and they can often be literal but at times symbolic as well. The messages come through most often as a word or a phrase I hear in my mind. I might also hear sounds in my mind, such as laughter, which could be a message about the need for more play and lightheartedness. I also can get a song that comes to my mind that has a message in the name of the song or in the lyrics. For example, once during a session I heard the song “Waiting on the World to Change” by John Mayer. It was a message to the client that they were waiting for others and circumstances around them to change without making any changes themselves that could lead to a happier and healthier life. The message was about encouraging them to look at what they could do differently to positively impact their life - to embrace their own power.
Sometimes I will also do what’s called “channeled writing” in which I will write down the messages as they come through, and when I do this I can often get full sentences, almost like someone is lecturing me or monologuing. I don’t often do this during live readings but sometimes use this method for prerecorded readings or on my own time when I tap into my own Akashic Records.
A clair that I was aware of even before becoming more connected to my intuitive gifts and abilities, was clairsentience, which means “clear feeling.” I identify as an empath, which means I am a highly sensitive person who can often feel what others are feeling - even to the point where I can feel the emotion, pain, or body sensation someone else is experiencing in my own body. I am also very sensitive to energies in a room and can easily pick up on underlying emotions, tension, or other energies that are not being named or addressed - almost like an energetic elephant in the room! An example of how this might show up in a session is feeling a tightness in my throat like it’s hard to speak, with the message being that the client is having a hard time speaking up about something.
The last of the 4 main “clairs” is claircognizance, which means “clear knowing.” This can be the hardest one to explain or for people to understand because it shows up as information that I “just know.” The message didn’t come from a thought, image, or body sensation - but more so just showed up as information I know in my mind. An example of this is knowing someone is having a difficult time in their marriage without sensing anything, hearing or seeing anything. I often will deliver this through a statement or may even ask a question like, “I’m getting a sense that there’s some ups and downs in your marriage” or “Have you been having issues in your marriage lately?”
Another follow up question I often get after I explain how I receive messages is: how do you differentiate between messages and your own thoughts and imagination? With practice and over time I’ve learned to differentiate the subtleties between my “stuff,” and other people’s “stuff” or messages from the Angels and guides. And if I’m not sure, I have ways to check in with myself and ways to check in with the Angels and guides to help validate the messages coming in. It’s also helpful for the person I’m reading to give me feedback to let me know if I’m on the right path and if it’s making sense for them. But don’t try to make something “fit” or “work” for you just because I’m delivering a message! If it doesn’t make sense or isn’t resonating let me know and I can do my best to refine or get more clarity on the message.
So now that you’ve read through the 4 main “clairs” you might wonder if you have these gifts too? The answer is everyone is intuitive in their own way, but most people have lost touch with their intuition for any number of reasons. It’s possible you’ve been using your intuitive senses or “clairs” your whole life and didn’t realize it! If you’re curious about what gifts you have and how to grow them, feel free to reach out or book a session with me. I’d love to open your Akashic Records and find out more about this and to give you guidance on how to connect more with your gifts!